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Education Quality and Policy Office


Your new course has been approved by Academic Standards and Enhancement Committee (ASEC) and the course regulations have been published in the Reporter – what next and when? 

Programme Specifications  

Michaelmas Term 

A definitive record of each programme and qualification is maintained by the University to act as a reference point for the delivery, assessment, monitoring and review of the programme. An archive of programme specifications is kept centrally

It is important that the programme specification is kept up to date in particular listing the correct assessment methods matched with learning outcomes. A request is circulated by EQPO in early Michaelmas term for the programme specification to be reviewed; any significant changes should be approved by the Faculty Board.  

It is important that these documents are accurate as they are linked to student transcripts and have multiple audiences including prospective students, employers and accreditation bodies.  


Appointment of Examiners 

Michaelmas Term

The General Board formally appoints Examiners for taught Master’s awards. Assessors are appointed locally by the Faculty Board or Degree Committee.  

Nomination forms should be completed and forwarded on to by the relevant nominating body by the division of Michaelmas Term.  

The Faculty Board/Degree Committee and the Chair of Examiners/Senior Examiner are responsible for ensuring that Examiners, External Examiners and Assessors are sent appropriate local information and guidelines, including any approved classing criteria or marking schemes, the relevant examinations data retention policies and any other pertinent information. 


External Examiner Reports 

Easter term - after the final examiners’ meeting  

All External Examiners are required to write reports on the procedure, conduct and outcomes of the examination. A standard reporting template is provided for this purpose. Copies of the responses to reports, along with any additional commentary faculties or departments wish to make, should be sent to for consideration on behalf of the GBEC. EQPO will determine whether the responses to External Examiners' reports are appropriate and will consider further any issues of wider import that are forthcoming. 


GAOBase - (Post) Graduate Admissions Office Prospectus Database

Easter term – 4 weeks to review and sign off. 

Faculties and departments are responsible for confirming, following consultation between course director and course administrator that: 

  • The details of the course are correct for the planned delivery for year of entry 

  • Any proposed changes to teaching/assessment have been approved through appropriate channels and/or Committees e.g. Degree Committee (DC), Academic Standards and Enhanced Committee (ASEC) via EQPO 

  • Contacting PAO regarding any errors in locked fields (e.g. if the course length differs from that expected) 

  • Ensuring consistency with departmental information.  

Course minor and major modifications 


The Course Modification Framework sets out the approval required for the most common types of changes to taught courses. In all cases Faculties and Departments should discuss any potential change with their EQPO liaison officer who will advise on the approval route and how to complete the relevant paperwork. Very minor modifications can be approved by EQPO via delegated authority, other changes are considered by ASEC and sometimes by GBEC.  

The Academic Standards and Enhancement Committee (ASEC) meeting held in April is the last at which changes to courses with effect from the following October can be approved. Some changes may require a longer lead in time.  

Education Monitoring and Review  

Throughout the year 

Education Monitoring and Review (EMR) is a data driven quality assurance process which aims to monitor the effectiveness of the University’s courses. It is applied to all award bearing courses. 

An EMR submission will be required every two years. Completion of the EMR encourages Faculties and Departments to reflect on all educational aspects of the course and identify areas for improvement or further consideration. Issues and concerns identified through EMR may be reported to ASEC or GBEC if appropriate. You will need access to Tableau when completing this.  

Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) 

Throughout the year 

Faculties and departments may have links with the professional, regulatory, and/or statutory body for their subject area. These bodies accredit and/or regulate these programmes for professional certification and in some cases, for entry into the profession.  

Reports from PSRBs provide useful feedback about teaching, learning and assessment. Faculties and departments respond to feedback in the manner specified by the PSRB, while forwarding a copy of their reports to EQPO who provide it to ASEC for review. 

Student Engagement

Student views should be sought on all aspects of the course and students should be asked for feedback on a regular basis. This can be via student representatives on committees, town hall meetings, staff-student committees and course-specific surveys. Closing the loop is an essential part of this process – information on how student feedback is dealt with and resolved should be made available to them. 

Student Elections

Generally Michaelmas 

EQPO contacts Faculties and Departments for confirmation of the roles and number of student representatives for the forthcoming year. Elections are then held via CSU or through a local system at the start of Michaelmas term or later in the term/year as required. Training and support must be provided to student reps and this can be via CSU and/or at Faculty and department level.  

Please ensure that the names of your student reps are passed on to CSU or EQPO if elections are held locally.