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Education Quality and Policy Office


The Policy Index is continually being updated to support communication of University policies and guidance.  If you can't find what you are looking for or have any queries about educational policies, please contact for support.

When reviewing the information in these pages, please be aware that we use the following categorisations: 

  • Policies set parameters for decision-making and provide the "why"; procedures set out a series of actions that should be conducted in a certain manner and explain the "how".  Compliance with both policy and procedures is mandatory unless otherwise indicated. 
  • Guidelines and guidance are provided as tools to assist in the interpretation and application of policies and procedures, or provide general information on a subject.  Compliance with guidelines and guidance is strongly encouraged but is not mandatory, unless otherwise indicated. 
  • Frameworks are holistic documents containing elements of both policy and guidance, applied to a specific task or concept. 
  • Codes of Practice are contractual implications or expectations of behaviour on the University, or on a proportion of the University.


We have structured the Index into several categories, to locate relevant information together.  In the table below, we have included a list of the contents you will find in each category; click the category to go to the page.  If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact for support.

Category Contents


  • Framework for Assessment 2023-24
  • Framework for Assessment 2024-25
  • Policy on the use of Turnitin
  • Rules of Behaviour guiding academic misconduct
  • Policy on managing extensions to coursework and dissertations


  • Guidance on Marking and Classing
  • Guidance on Retention of Examination Data, Records and Scripts
  • Assessment practices and expectations
  • Types of assessment
  • Staff Guidance on Investigating Academic Misconduct
  • Academic Misconduct in Digital Delivery of Assessment
  • AI and Education: Guidance for staff
Codes of Practice
  • Code of Practice: Access and Inclusion for Disabled Students
  • Code of Practice, Taught Master's students
  • Code of Practice, Research students
Examiners (Taught Courses)

External Examiners (taught courses)

  • Guidance by the General Board on the arrangements for External Examiners
  • Reporting requirements for External Examiners
  • External Examiners report form
  • Handbook for External Examiners

Internal Examiners (taught courses)

  • Links to policies and procedures for Internal Examiners, including:
    • appointment and payment forms
    • dispensation for non-attendance at the final meeting
    • Examiners Guide for taught courses
    • Policies for late submission of examination papers and managing corrections in papers
Managing courses


  • Framework for Administering Bodies
  • Framework for collaborative postgraduate educational provision
  • Illegal combinations of papers
  • Postgraduate course length policy
  • Safeguarding students working away


  • Guidance on compliance with Competition and Market Authority (CMA) requirements
  • Learning Aims and Oucomes
  • Degree Outcomes Statement
  • Guidance for Degree Committees
  • Guidance on Monitoring Academic Engagement for Postgraduate Taught Students


  • Policy on Recording of Teaching Materials


  • Guidance for Recording in 2023-24
  • Guidance on re-use of material (21-22)
  • Template consent forms
  • Information on consent and ownership
Student engagement


  • Standards for Student Academic representation
  • Student Consultation Framework
  • Student Protection Plan


  • Expectations for feedback to students